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【 am, are, is 】 の過去形は 【 was, were 】 です。
疑問文や否定文のつくりかたは,【 am, are, is 】 のときと同じです。

I was --Was I -- ?I was not -- .
あなたYou were --Were you -- ?You were not -- .
He was --Was he -- ?He was not -- .
彼女She was --Was she -- ?She was not -- .
それIt was --Was it -- ?It was not -- .
私たちWe were --Were we -- ?We were not -- .
あなたたちYou were --Were you -- ?You were not -- .
They were --Were they -- ?They were not -- .

練習1 次の文を疑問文に直しなさい。主語はそのままで良い。

① 文中に was, were があるので,文の先頭に出す。
② 文の先頭は大文字に。小文字にすべきところは小文字に。
③ 文末には必ず ? をつける。

1. I was busy last week.  私は先週忙しかった。
2.You were small last year.  あなたは去年小さかった。
3. He was a baseball player thirty years ago.  彼は30年前野球の選手だった。
4. She was a junior high school student last year.  彼女は去年中学生だった。
5. It was a small tree.  それは小さな木だった。

6. We were in our classroom at that time.  私たちはそのとき教室にいました。
7. You were young two years ago.  あなたがたは2年前若かった。
8. They were very kind yesterday.  彼らは昨日とても親切だった。

練習2 次の過去進行形の文を日本語に直しなさい。

※ at that time = then = そのとき という意味です。

1. I was listening to the radio at that time.
2. You were washing the car at that time.
3. He was reading an English book at that time.
4. She was walking with her mother at that time.
5. It was sleeping well at that time.


1. Was I busy last week?  2. Were you small last year?
3. Was he a baseball player thirty years ago?  4. Was she a junior high school student last year?
5. Was it a small tree?  6. Were we in our classroom at that time?
7. Were you young two years ago?  8. Were they very kind yesterday?

1. 私はそのときラジオを聞いていました。  2. あなたはそのとき車を洗っていました。
3. 彼はそのとき英語の本を読んでいました。  4. 彼女はそのときお母さんと一緒に歩いていました。
5. それはそのときよく眠っていました。


Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day.
I want to give Mother a nice present.
The handkerchief.
The apron.
The slippers.

Oh! I have a good idea.
I can cook.
I'll cook for Mother.
I decided to cook curry and rice.
The curry and rice was complete in half an hour.
Oh! できた! できた!
The curry and rice was very, very, very, very, very, very nice.
Mother was very glad.
It was a very, very fine day today.

『Coinsの詩』 三友社出版 臼杵加菜恵著


Many, many years ago, the Great Lakes were not lakes.
What were they?
They were the glaciers. The glaciers were very, very big, and very, very deep.
They melted, and became large lakes.
It was about 11,000 years ago.


Look at the map.
There are five large lakes in the Midwest of the U.S.A.
They are the Great Lakes.
Do you know the names of the Great Lakes?
They are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario.


Many, many years ago, the Great Lakes were not lakes.
Who made these lakes?
Nobody made them.
What made these lakes?
Glaciers made them.


Do you know the word 'glacier'?
A glacier is a river of ice.
Many, many years ago, there were great glaciers in North America.
In many places these glaciers were several thousand feet deep.
They melted, and became large lakes.
It was about 11,000 years ago.
This is the history of the Great Lakes.

『たのしい英文法』 三友社出版 林野滋樹著