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接続詞 when, if

これまでも, and, but, or などの接続詞を学習してきました。
ここでは,自分の考えや感情をより論理的に表現できるように,接続詞の代表として when と if を学びます。
他にも, as, so, that, because, before, after, though などの接続詞があります。


① When I love the flower, my heart is pink.
② When I love the sky, my heart is bright blue.
③ When I love the sun, my heart is red.
④ When I love the sea, my heart is blue.
⑤ Oh, my heart is colorful!

By Koshida, a junior high school student

① 花を愛するとき,私の心はさくら色。
② 空を愛するとき,私の心は明るい空色。
③ 太陽を愛するとき,私の心は紅に染まる。
④ 海を愛するとき,私の心は深い青に染まる。
⑤ あぁ,私の心はなんてカラフルなんでしょう。


接続詞 when

例  I got up this morning. It was nine.
  → When I got up this morning, it was nine.

1. I came to school. He was already working.
2. You study English hard. You can read English newspapers.
3. Spring comes. Many flowers come out.
4. Fall comes. Trees turn red and yellow.

1. When I came to school, he was already working.
2. When you study English hard, you can read English newspapers.
3. When spring comes, many flowers come out.
4. When fall comes, trees turn red and yellow.

接続詞 if

例  It is fine today. Let's play tennis.
  → If it is fine today, let's play tennis.

5. You are tired. You can go home soon.
6. Your father is busy. You have to help him.

5. If you are tired, you can go home soon.
6. If your father is busy, you have to help him.



My Grandmother (おばあちゃん)
Kanae Usuki

① My grandmother is seventy-six years old.
② But she is very fine.
③ She always says to me,
④ "Are you hungry?"
⑤ And she always says to me,
⑥ "You will catch cold.
⑦ Come and warm yourself at the kotatsu."
⑧ She is very, very kind.
⑨ But she gets angry when I do wrong.
⑩ But I like her very much.
⑪ I hope she is going to live long.

① おばあちゃんは(   )才です。
② でもとっても(    )です。
③ おばあちゃんは(    )私に言います。
④ (             )かい?
⑤ そしておばあちゃんはいつも私に言います。
⑥ 風邪をひくよ。
⑦ こたつに入って(        )なさい。
⑧ おばあちゃんはとっても(     )です。
⑨ でもおばあちゃんは私が悪いことをすると(     )ます。
⑩ でもおばあちゃんが大(    )です。
⑪ おばあちゃんが(    )すればいいなぁ。

① 76 ② 元気 ③ いつも ④ お腹すいてない ⑦ 温まり
⑧ 親切 ⑨ 怒り ⑩ 好き ⑪ 長生き



When the wind blows,
  Then the mill goes;
When the wind drops,
  Then the mill stops.


マザーグース第3巻 V-30


When I read a book, I forget myself.
When I read a book, I don't hear anything.
I like a book.
Books are my friends.

Children Learn What They Live

If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to confidence.
If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world.


批判ばかり受けて育って子は 非難ばかりします
敵意にみちた中で育った子は だれとでも戦います
ひやかしを受けて育った子は はにかみ屋になります
ねたみを受けて育った子は いつも悪いことをしているような気持ちになります
心が寛大な人の中で育った子は がまん強くなります
はげましを受けて育った子は 自信を持ちます
ほめられる中で育った子は いつも感謝することを知ります
公明正大な中で育った子は 正義心を持ちます
思いやりのある中で育った子は 信仰心を持ちます
人に認めてもらえる中で育った子は 自分を大事にします
仲間の愛の中で育った子は 世界に愛をみつけます

ドロシー・ロー・ノルト/訳:吉永 宏


If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
-- Mother Teresa

If you can dream it, you can do it.
-- Walt Disney

Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.
-- Charlie Chaplin

Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
-- Mahatma Gandhi